Click here to see Match Schedules
Click Here to see Teams and Players (also there is an email link to the captain)
Click Here for Instructions on how to Set Up a Team Match on BBO
The schedules were created at the start of the nine-week season. Each team will play the other 8 teams in their league, and will have one week where they will not have a match. (this happens with an odd number of teams!).
To find out who you are playing in a particular week, look down the left-hand edge of the schedule until you encounter your team name. Then move along that row until you are under the start date or the week you are interested in, and you will find the name of the opposing team (or a “-“ if you have no match that week).
The date shown on the top row of the schedule is the start date of the week in question. It will be a Sunday. The match must be played before the following Saturday (5pm).
Matches will consist of two sets of 12 boards.
The Captains agree who is to set up the match on BBO. Captains must ensure that each pair playing in the match plays a different pair in the second 12 boards. Captains may use a different pair for the second 12 boards if they so wish.
Results should be agreed and sent (copying in the other captain) immediately after the match to [email protected] with the result in IMPs.
If a match is incomplete or never started then both teams will score 0 VPs.
League Tables
The league tables will be published each week on the VBA Website, along with the results of the matches played that week.
Please don’t hesitate to contact Dee if you have any questions, worries, suggestions or issues.
Thanks for taking part
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