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Learn how to play bridge

Many affiliated clubs conduct regular beginner’s classes. Information about affiliated clubs that provide these sessions is listed. If you don’t see anything that suits, send an email to [email protected] or any affiliated club and someone will help you find a place to learn. Give us feedback if you have found an effective course and want to pass on the good news to others. We want to publicise the sessions you have in your club so we can follow our primary directive:

  • More People
  • Playing More Bridge
  • More Often

VBC (Brighton) Beginner Lessons

Victorian Bridge Centre

Beginner’s classes are on Saturdays at the VBC Clubroom, Breen Drive Brighton East, Vic 3187. There are several run over of the year and the course runs for 8 weeks at 2 hours per session. The cost of $150 covers the lessons, notes and other resource material.

Please contact Mary Elson 0431581304 or email [email protected].



Waverley Beginners Sessions

Monday (AM) & Tuesday Evenings

Moonee Valley Beginners

Lessons at Moonee Valley Bridge Club including Bridge Basics and Supervised Sessions. See their website for more information.

Moonee Valley Bridge Club Inc., Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (bridgewebs.com)

Tuesday (AM) & Wednesday Evenings

Gardenvale Beginners

Lessons at Gardenvale Bridge Club including Beginners, Inermediate and Advanced. See their website for more information.

Gardenvale Bridge Club,  (bridgewebs.com)