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3-486 Wodonga Bridge Club

An affiliated club of the Victorian Bridge Association

  • Region

    • North
  • Location

    • 15 Havelock Street, Wodonga VIC, Australia
President: Mary Prowse
Treasurer: Kim Kielbasa
Secretary:  Christine Luckman 0411 487 654. Email: [email protected]
Postal Address: PO Box 759, Wodonga, Vic 3690
Website: bridgewebs.com/wodonga/home/html
Contact:  [email protected]
Bridge is played at the Senior Citizens Hall
15 Havelock Street
Wodonga, Vic 3690Light refreshments are provided. Come and participate in this challenging and mentally stimulating card game.Bridge is held every Tuesday except the first Tuesday in the month.Starting time is 6:45 – Visitors welcome.



Time Day Type MPs Venue
18:45 Tuesday Duplicate G