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Intermediate Lessons at the VBC

The VBC are offering improvers’ lessons, ideal for those who:

  • have recently completed a beginners courses, or
  • are returning to Bridge after an absence and want a refresher to help them return to regular duplicate.

The lessons are held on Tuesday mornings.  The format is 2 hours, starting with a formal presentation of the material, and distribution of notes, followed by playing a number of pre-prepared boards to practice with real cards.  No need to bring a partner.

Topics include:


    • Continuations over NT opening including Stayman and transfers
    • Forcing and non-forcing Bids
    • Bidding Strong Hands
    • Blackwood


    • Counting winners and Losers


    • Choosing the best leads
    • Signalling to partner

For more information please contact Phill Fent.