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3-483 Williamstown Bridge Club

An affiliated club of the Victorian Bridge Association

  • Region

    • Metro
  • Location

    • 19 Altona Road, Altona VIC, Australia
President: Sandi Fallshaw 0417 315 760 Email
Secretary: Alan Hepworth 0430 309 255 Email
Committee: Pat Daw 0409 201 078 Email
Location: Hobsons Bay Fishing & Game Club
19 Altona Road, Altona, 3018
Website Results
Contact: 03-8354-8624 or 0427-302-236
Bridge is alive and well in the Western Suburbs.
Come and join the Bridgewest Community and have some fun playing our great game.
We meet at the Hobsons Bay Fishing and Game Club, 19 Altona Road, Altona
Duplicate Wednesday 7:30 pm

Duplicate Friday 1:30 pm


Time Day Type MPs Venue
19:30 Wednesday Duplicate G Altona
13:30 Friday Duplicate G Altona