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3-433 Wangaratta Bridge Club

An affiliated club of the Victorian Bridge Association

  • Region

    • North
  • Location

    • 4 Evans Street, Wangaratta VIC 3677, Australia
Director:  Mark Rosenow 0419 940 944
Masterpoint Secretary:  Mark Rosenow 0419 940 944
Secretary:  Linda Anania 0413 584 705
Location: 4 Evans Street, Wangaratta 3677
Postal: PO Box 590 Wangaratta Victoria 3676
Please arrive 15 minutes before the start time for duplicate sessions

You need to phone ahead if you require a partner
Marie Wallis 0408-386-619

Beginners Bridge Lessons conducted.

For information contact Marie Wallis 0408-386-619 


Time Day Type MPs Venue
19:00 Tuesday Duplicate G
9:30 Friday Duplicate G