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3-430 Ocean Grove Bridge Club

An affiliated club of the Victorian Bridge Association

  • Region

    • West
  • Location

    • Bellarine Highway & Banks Road, Marcus Hill VIC 3222, Australia
President:  George del Pappa 0400 114 936
Secretary:   Jenni Ham 0419 563 798
Location: Corner Bellarine Highway and Banks Road
Marcus Hill 3222
Postal: PO Box 10 Ocean Grove Vic 3226
Contact:  E-mail    Website
Lessons: please phone the President, George Del Papa, for information on 0400 114 936.
Wheelchair access.
Session fees – Members $6
Session fees – Visitors $7
includes tea, coffee, biscuits etc..
Standby player available.
Players are requested to arrive and be seated 15 minutes prior to start of session.


Time Day Type MPs Venue
12:45 Monday Duplicate G
12:45 Wednesday Duplicate G
12:45 Friday Duplicate G