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3-408 Melbourne Bridge Club

An affiliated club of the Victorian Bridge Association

  • Region

    • Metro
  • Location

    • East Ivanhoe Bowling Club, Ivanhoe East VIC, Australia
Manager:  Ian Mansell (mob) 0417-095-921
Location: East Ivanhoe Bowling Club, 153 The Boulevard, East Ivanhoe
Postal: PO Box 331 Heidelberg Heights 3081
Email Website Results
Melbourne Contract Bridge Centre is the oldest private Bridge Club in Victoria and is one of the largest.The playing area is nonsmoking.
Melbourne Contract Bridge Centre – Directors: Ian Mansell and Sandra Mansell.
The Directors are assisted by Jim Pitt, Darcy Funnell and Rex Fox. Ian and Sandra undertake a teaching and supervised play programme conducted by Kew School of Bridge at the above premises.Our aim is for players to enjoy their Bridge at MCBC. Visitors and new members are always welcome. We try to provide compatible partners for singles and players are expected to cooperate. Players who only occasionally need partners will have priority.
Several Duplicate and Supervised sessions each week.


Time Day Type MPs Venue
11:00am Monday Duplicate G
7:00pm Monday Supervised/Duplicate X
10:00am Tuesday Supervised Duplicate X
7:00pm Wednesday Supervised Duplicate X
10:00am Friday Supervised X
1:00pm Friday Duplicate G