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3-313 Benalla Bridge Club

An affiliated club of the Victorian Bridge Association

  • Region

    • North
  • Location

    • Benalla Senior Citizens Community Centre, Fawckner Drive, Benalla VIC 3672, Australia
President: Peter Holmes 0438 625 638
Vice President & Masterpoints Secretary: Peter Radford 
0418 587 573 [email protected]
Secretary: Claire Rudolph 0428 151 750 [email protected]
Treasurer: Norma Hodgson 0472 517 017 [email protected]
Location: Senior Citizens Rooms, Fawckner Drive, Benalla 3672
Contact: Claire Rudolph (Secretary) 0428 151 750
One-off Joining Fee for new members: $15
Annual Membership: $50
Affiliate Members: $20
Playing Fee: $2 members
Visitors Fee: $3 non-members
Duplicate competition

  • Monday 7:00pm (mid May through August) and
    7.30pm (September through mid-May), and
  • Wednesday 1pm.


Time Day Type MPs Venue
7:00pm or 7:30pm Monday Duplicate G
1:00pm Wednesday Duplicate G