RACV Congress August 28th
Here is the RACV Bridge Club’s flyer with information regarding our upcoming Congress to be held on Sunday 28th August 2022. We kindly ask that you please distribute this flyer to your members. Bookings open on 11th July 2022 and close 22nd August 2022. Please refer to the flyer for further details.
The Congress is to be held on the 17th floor of the RACV City Club in Melbourne. The venue allows for safe distancing of players and staff, and the RACV Club maintains strong hygiene and safety standards with increased cleaning and hand sanitiser available. Masks are optional.
As many of us are aware, players are somewhat hesitant to return to face-to-face bridge. Hopefully with the return of successful Bridge Congresses here in Victoria, players will come to trust their Clubs which will keep bridge clubs alive and thriving for all. The social aspect of meeting people face-to-face is important to us all, particularly after being the most locked down City in the world for two years.
With all of this in mind, I would ask you to encourage your members to participate in our Congress. We look forward to welcoming you to the RACV City Club and having an enjoyable experience at the RACV Bridge Club Congress in 2022.
Kind Regards,
Mary Stoney
RACV Bridge Club Congress Convenor 2022
RACV Bridge Club Congress 2022